Two Scoops of That, Please!

Janrichmaryrow Janice, Rich, and Mary enjoy some of the 4500 meters of rowing in yesterday’s WOD — but all in tasty "bite-size" morsels of 500m, sprinkled with some delicious Box Jumps, mouth-watering Wallball, and scintillating Kettlebell Swings. Yum yum. Just like Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. But maybe it wasn’t exactly  "Chunky Monkey" — maybe more like "Heated Pain." Oh, but I bet that wouldn’t be a best-seller. Something that sounds nicer, perhaps, like "Chocolate Chip Puke Fest." No, maybe not. Let’s go with the always popular, "It’s Tough But It Will Make My Butt Smaller" — there, I think we have a winner!

And, in other news, find out if you’re leading from the front and how to use your leadership skills to be more effective at work and in life: take this leadership quiz.

Tomorrow: Overcoming Your Fear of the Box Jump

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