
Rules. What in your life was ever made better by numerous, exquisitely detailed rules? And what in your life was made better by ignoring the rules?

Rules have their place — in the OR, the library, the kitchen of the restaurant you’re dining at, etc. I don’t want some surgeon operating on me all willy-nilly, or my Cobb salad being dragged across a filthy counter.

But I bet there are about a hundred rules you’ve created in your own life that have abolutely no placement or bearing or importance, other than to make you feel like you have some modicum of control over what is, essentially, an uncontrollable life. And they just might be dragging you down, or maybe suffocating your creativity.

So, look at what you’re doing today — really LOOK at it — and throw some ridiculous rules out. See if life gets better. Or at least more fun …

(Image courtesy of Nicole Bedard Photography.)


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