Use Your Fear

“Use fear as an engine, not as a brake.” — Paulo Coelho

Exactly. Sometimes someone uses words so clearly, that there is simply no other way to say it.

Use fear as an engine, not as a brake.

Most of us fear, and we stop. Halt. Hesitate. Wait. Fear is a natural reaction to situations in which we feel unsafe. It makes sense to stop and evaluate.

But sometimes, fear means we should accelerate. Head straight into the fear. Blow it over. Go through it.

Pick one thing you fear today and do it. Just one thing. Whether it’s a ring handstand push-up or just a handstand, do it.  Whether it’s telling someone you love them, or telling someone that you won’t be their doormat anymore, do it. Whatever it is, swallow hard and do it. You already know what you need to do, so take the brake off and rev the engine. Make fear work for you, instead of against you.

One thing. Get on it. Use your fear.

(Image courtesy of Nicole Bedard Photography.)

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