The “S” Word

Don’t ever apologize for having standards.


Do you hear me? It’s important.

Because there are people in this world who don’t have them. Everything is “good enough” or “okay” or “just chill, jeez” by them. And they try to make you feel bad for having a standard.

Don’t let them.

CrossFit is based on standards. Here is the Workout of the Day. This is the prescribed weight, height, movement. Can’t meet that prescription? That’s fine. Scale it. We’re cool.

But don’t tell me the standard doesn’t matter. It does. You have to have a mark, a goal, a target to be aiming for.

Otherwise CrossFit, and life, is aimless.

“When you have no destination in sight, any road will take you there.”

Don’t just get on any road because your ego is driving and you’re afraid of feeling bad — or of making someone else feel bad, either by achieving or by holding to CrossFit (or life) standards. Make yourself better. Help to make someone else better. Have standards and hold to them. That’s the CrossFit way.

And if you don’t agree? What if your ego can’t take aiming and failing? Again and again, and well, sometimes again? Well, there’s always P90X. The standards in your basement, alone with the ping pong table and Aunt Edna’s quilt, might be a whole lot different. And, I’m just guessing, the results will probably be different too . . .

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