Observations on a photo: What can you tell from this photo of Viv?
Observing is a useful pursuit. Sometimes, on your rest day, it’s a good idea to come into CrossFit Watertown and just watch. Or come in early. Or stay late. You can learn an awful lot about movement, CrossFit, and people by just sitting quietly and paying attention to how people move, what the coaches say, and the position of feet. Yup. Feet. So critical to most movements and yet we don’t think about them nearly as much as we should. Instead of looking at a person’s head next time, focus only on their feet and see what you learn.
In other news, there is no 8am class tomorrow as we will be conducting outdoor workouts at 10:30am 12:30pm, and 2:30pm at the Watertown Fall Festival. Come on out and help us show Watertown why we love this crazy CrossFit stuff and why they would too!