The Saving Grace of Action

Thought and action: you need both, but sometimes the order will vary.

Thoughts and words build strength like the barbell does: the strength in your mind. If you don’t have your mind right, then whatever amount of muscle and sinew you bring to the workout will never be enough. Whatever speed you have on the barbell will never be enough. Whatever fight you bring to the fight will never be enough.

So get your mind right and get your workout right. But, remember, it’s not a chicken-and-egg thing. One doesn’t always come before the other. Sometimes, you’ll need the right mindset to lift. Sometimes you need to lift to get to the right mindset.

The only sure thing is that action saves.
Sitting around on your ass is never the solution. Work your brain, work your body, work your soul.

Get moving . . . and life always improves.

(Image courtesy of Nicole Bedard Photography.)



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